• Trigram Robot SUMO
  • Trigram Robot SUMO
  • Trigram Robot SUMO
  • Trigram Robot SUMO
  • Trigram Robot SUMO

تريغرام روبوت سومو

نموذج: 190058

Started in 2019, Trigram Robot SUMO is a team-based robot competition where participants are divided into two teams and compete against each other. It is a contest that showcases individual abilities and teamwork skills.

The participating students are required to design and build their own robot for the competition, and perform on-site adjustments to demonstrate their robot's abilities on the challenge platform. The competition aims to promote AI innovation education for young people, and cultivate their hands-on and teamwork skills. It has been recognized as one of the most exciting events in various youth science and technology activities.


Started in 2019, Trigram Robot SUMO is a team-based competition where participants are divided into two teams and compete against each other. It is a contest that showcases individual abilities and teamwork skills.

The participating students are required to design and build their own robot for the competition, and perform on-site adjustments to demonstrate their robot's abilities on the challenge platform. The competition aims to promote AI innovation education for young people, and cultivate their hands-on and teamwork skills. It has been recognized as one of the most exciting events in various youth science and technology activities.


يتم إجراء Trigram Robot SUMO في شكل فريق ، حيث يتكون كل فريق من طالبين مشاركين و 1-2 معلمين مدربين. هناك فئتان: المدرسة الابتدائية والمدرسة الثانوية. يجب أن يكون الطلاب المشاركون مسجلين حاليا في المدرسة الابتدائية أو الثانوية في يوم المسابقة. ساحة المنافسة عبارة عن منصة دائرية يبلغ قطرها 2.8 متر. يبلغ ارتفاع المنصة حوالي 35 سم فوق سطح الأرض ، ومنطقة انطلاق الروبوت عبارة عن شكل شبه منحرف يقع على بعد 50 سم من الحافة. المنطقة داخل خط التحضير إلى حافة المنصة هي منطقة البداية للروبوتات ، مع وضع روبوتات كل فريق مقابل بعضها البعض في هذه المنطقة.


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