WeeeBot RobotStorm: A 12 in 1 Robotic Kit for STEAM Education

WeeeBot RobotStorm: مجموعة روبوتية 12 في 1 لتعليم STEAM

WeeeBot RobotStorm: أطلق العنان لقوة تعليم STEAM

الانخراط والتثقيف والإلهام من خلال 12 نموذجا من أشكال الروبوت التحويلية

مجموعة روبوتات متعددة الاستخدامات لجميع الأعمار

  • 12 Unique Robot Forms: From a Walking Robot to a Self-Balancing Robot, engage students in a variety of projects that inspire creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Hands-On Learning: Each project offers practical experience in robotics, programming, and engineering, perfect for classrooms and at-home learning.

غني بالميزات والتكنولوجيا

  • Advanced Sensors and Electronics: Equipped with an array of sensors including RGB ultrasonic, line-following, gyroscope, and more for interactive and complex functionalities.
  • Robust Mechanical Components: Over 400 pieces to create durable and intricate robots.
  • User-Friendly ELF Controller: Designed for education, the ELF mainboard is modular and supports various microchips including ATMEGA-328P and ESP32.

مشاريع تعليمية تنعش الخيال

  • From Forklifts to Ball Launchers: Each project is designed to teach a specific STEAM concept, making learning both fun and informative.
  • Detailed Tutorials: Guided chapters for each robot build, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

تصميم متطور لمبتكري المستقبل

  • Replaceable Microchip Technology: Ensures the kit stays relevant and adaptable to future technological advancements.
  • Easy-to-Use Software: Compatible with WeeeCode (Scratch 3.0) and Arduino IDE, offering both beginner-friendly and advanced programming options.

مثالية للفصول الدراسية والأنشطة اللامنهجية

  • Inclusive Learning Tool: Suitable for students of various ages and skill levels.
  • Facilitates Teamwork and Collaboration: Projects encourage group work, enhancing communication and collaborative skills.

المواصفات في لمحة

  • Over 400 mechanical components
  • ELF Controller with versatile communication options
  • 10 motor drives and 10 sensor ports
  • Comprehensive range of sensors and electronics
  • Detailed tutorials for 12 different robot builds

قم بتغيير طريقة تدريس STEAM اكتشف 12 في 1 WeeeBot RobotStorm واجلب بعدا جديدا للتعلم إلى فصلك الدراسي أو منزلك. مثالي للمعلمين الذين يتطلعون إلى دمج المزيد من التعلم العملي التجريبي في مناهجهم الدراسية. إكتشف المزيد